Monday, August 31, 2009

Pre-meal prayer

"I give thanks to the Spirits.
Who have given me this food with there life.

I give thanks to the Ancestors.
Who have made this meal possible.

I give thanks to the Gods.
For there infinite blessings."


"I give thanks to the Kindred of the Land.
Who have given me this food with there life.

I give thanks to the Kindred of the Sea.
Who have made this meal possible.

I give thanks to the Kindred of the Sky.
For there infinite blessings."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Guess who is back?

I just got a new computer my old one having finally gone to the realms of the dead. It is now giving the dead internet access. RIP computer.

Other things going on for me is that I hope with the help of the Gods, especally one Dinoysos who seems to have taken an interest in me, I will be in college again next year.

My spirtual life has taken an interesting turn, somedays I feel like the Powers are passing me around one to the next. Kind of like a big family gathering where you keep being sent around to meet your relatives?

Somedays that's how I feel in my Paganism.